Top 10k strings from Bascan (19xx)(Chezron Software).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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4 23637+256* 1 with LOAD """" CODE in the normal 1 way. An alternative is to load 1 was searched in less than one 1 that 48K users can enter most ofthe Sinclair COMMAND keywords byfirst entering the keyword THEN 1 single character variable name 1 searches using e.g.,LET Z$=""N,"";"",N"";""DATA N"";""N="", etc. 1 print them with FOR N=165 TO 255:PRINT N;"" "";CHR$ N:NEXT N. 1 other text, say in a string or 1 must, of course,have initializedyour printer interface first if 1 manual doesn't have all the codenumbers for keywords you can 1 like N may also occur within 1 know for sure the listing is allone or the other. 1 it needs it. Use POKE 65145,2 toreturn to screen display. 1 is already in position. 1 in your BASIC program listing. 1 deliner 1 cases you may need to make many 1 another variable name. In such 1 Z$, use... 1 Use LET Z$=""TARGET"" first where TARGET is any variable name, keyword token, string or part of a string or ANY TEXT that may be 1 UDGS 1 This great routine will search aBASIC listing for any keyword orvariable name or anything at alland display or print out all theline numbers on which it occurs! 1 THIS program first, BREAK in andthen LOAD the BASIC program you want to search because the code 1 THEN as for 48K. 1 ROAD, BIRSTALL, 1 RASE ALL BUT THE BASCAN GOSUB 1 Just press E to extract the REM at line 9959; SAVE and MERGE in your program; use GO SUB 9959 tomove the 211 bytes of code to 1 If you want the results printingout then precede the above RAND USR etc. with POKE 65145,3. You 1 ISSUED IN OUTLET 1 Found on line By Chris Pile. 1 For example, to search for everyoccurrence of 'GO SUB 5000' you use LET Z$=""GO SUB 5000"". Note 1 Finding a variable name like 1 EXTREMELY rapid - a 29K program 1 D'"H O W T O U S E B A S C A N"; 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 CHEZRON SOFTWARE 1 BASCAN is case-sensitive so try upper and lower case unless you 1 BASCAN 1 BASCAN 1 Alternatively INPUT Z$ and use 1 After declaring your target in 1 ALL ENQUIRIES TO 1 65060.This can be SAVEd and usedas ordinary code if you prefer 1 605 LOUGHBOROUGH 1 4. HINTS,TIPS,TRAPS,SUGGESTIONS. 1 3. DOING IT! 1 23638-0668": 1 23638-0228": 1 23638-0184": 1 23638-0080": 1 2. DECLARING THE TARGET. 1 1. INSTALLING THE CODE. 1 ..and every linenumber in which the text occurs will be listed. The routine is 1 (SYMBOL+G)and deleting it after.128K users may have to use,e.g.,LET Z$=CHR$ 237+""5000"". If your 1 'SCORE'is easy but remember, a 1 from Chris Pile 1 PRESS ANY KEY 1 FREEWARE! 1 LEICESTER 1 LE4 4NJ 1 ENGLAND 1 RANDOMIZE USR 65060